Title: "Stories in Fabric"
Idea 1: Use a fabric on which conductive ink is used which is visible when hand gestures are recognized. Fabric will contain patterns, design and etc in the form of visuals.
Idea 2: The fabric will be embedded with speakers. Fabric will contain audio in the form music, noise from the weaver's environment, conversations, community poems.
Feasibility: Possible, need to research on the type of ink to be used (light is used?/ sound). The tricky bit is to connect all these to a single program.
Type of fabric: Interested in using silk sari but need more info on the density and thickness of the fabric.
Materials: Ardino board, Piezo speakers, Conductive ink, Kinect(tracks movement), projectors (maybe), frames to hang fabric on (bamboo or steel could be possible materials), ropes, thread (some conductive fiber to mix with silk).