Nov 15, 2013

Ideas for the project by Sana

Brainstorming Ideas:
We decided to bring together ideas we came up with and discuss the feasibility of each idea.Here are some of my suggestions put on the table. We weighed the pros and cons and decided on the idea of Stories on Fabric; be it sound, music or visuals depending on the materials we will be able to gather.

1. Touch sensitive smart textiles that produces sound when moved.

(Bind by cloth, rich textile industry before the British Raj due to the availability of raw materials; cotton, silk and jute. wasn't allowed to flourish due to crippling laws implemented by the British govt. 
Production: sari, shawls, carpets.
Images bound together, woven together to create handwork to machine production small scale to large scale).

2. Stitching together fabrics- from beautiful silk to cheap chiffon or some other cheaply made sari- hung open- patched together awkwardly.
(Trace the raw materials used- then and now- the scarce use of good materials to the increase in use of cheaper materials- therefore tracing the decreasing quality of production and value of textiles).

3. Story is written in the shape of the pattern used.

4. Use mirrors stitched to the cloth and project light on it at a certain angle to reveal patterns and motifs.
The type of clothing produced is gender-ed to a large extent... mostly saris, duppatas, shawls- female attire. Bold use of color in most Indian textiles and intricate patterns.)

All these ideas were thrown in during our discussion on the 13th at N2.

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